Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Get Blood Out Of Toddlers Clothes

By Toddler Boy Clothing¨

There is nothing as adventurous and curious in life as a toddler.  A bookshelf is a scalable mountain, a low wall is something to be walked along and the coffee table something to be jumped off in the hope of reaching the soft landing place of the sofa .  As much as we try to protect them, add baby gates and child locks, they still somehow manage to get in to trouble.  That's toddlers for you.  If yours are anything like mine, they probably spend at least some part of each week bleeding from a scraped knee or bashed nose from their latest adventure.  

Thankfully the accidents are rarely disastrous and the tears are soon stopped and blood staunched and wiped up.  Shame the same can't be said for the clothes now covered in the stuff. 

Here are some handy hints for getting blood out of clothes.

Blood will set into fabric if it is immersed in hot water, so the most valuable piece of advice is to instantly treat the stain by placing the garment in cold water for at least half an hour. If you have no desire to use any chemical-based product this is the simplest solution. Soak in cold water, then launder and repeat the process, if necessary, until the stain is removed.

A point of note at this stage is not to dry the garment using any heat if the stain has not completely disappeared. If the stain is still there when you put the garment into the dryer, the stain will set and probably turn brown, becoming permanent due to the heat. Wait until every trace of the stain is gone before drying.

If the soaking in cold water and laundering method is not working, there is a useful solution made from ingredients that we have around the kitchen. Apply a combination of lemon juice and cold water to the blood stain until you can see that it has faded or disappeared (again scrubbing by hand or with a nailbrush). The stain may not completely disappear, but as granny would have done, hanging the garment on the line in direct sunlight will finish the work for you.

How to remove blood stains from clothes

For more top tips on toddlers clothes visit Toddler Boy Clothing

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